Dance is…

Dance is my therapy and my church. Dance is how I work through body dysmorphia, and how I manage depression and anxiety every day. Dance is how I feel powerful in this world, and my sword is my backbone and my athame. Dance is my community and my chosen family. Dance is me, pure and whole - a concoction of flawed perfection and beauty, light and shadow.

I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. My dance journey began in 2014 at a magical event called Lark Camp with an amazing teacher who has now become a dear friend, Natalie Nayun of Pomegranite Garden Dance. Now, I am an international teacher and performer, I have become a certified Bohemian Bellydance Foundations Instructor, dance company member of Jill Parker’s Little Egypt, and director of The Dancers of Nyx.

I am also an ordained Priestess of the Elements with The Order of the Stag and the Rose, which is a formal training with an animistic approach guided by Faelan Shiva, as well as an ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church.

Outside of dance and magick, I am a self-employed hair stylist and salon owner in Berkeley, CA. I disappear into the Sierras as often as I can, and find peace in the solitude and wisdom that can only be found among endless cliff faces of granite, ancient sequoias, and alpine lakes. Also, I really love monster makeup, chocolate, beasties large and small, and world travel.