Rest Vs. Rejuvenation: Exploring the Four of Swords


Saturday, March 2, 2024, 8:03pm:

There are so many things I like about this particular moment. The fragrance of curry and sandalwood. The soft Indian flute playing over the restaurant speakers. The warm lentil soup I am sipping as I watch the cars pass by outside on the wet North Berkeley streets.

I’m enjoying a reward after a long day at the end of a long week, and this moment couldn’t be more blissful. I have just finished my final hair client for the day, and am treating myself to a well deserved dinner out. (For those who don’t know: Not only am I a sword dancer, but I am also a hairdresser and, with a colleague, recently took over ownership of the salon where I’ve been working for nearly 20 years). 

I love it all, and also: It’s kind of a lot.

However, in this moment, I am enjoying the sweet fruit of my labor. I’m enjoying that I know the owner of the restaurant at which I am enjoying (immensely) a delicious meal, and that I know him because I pushed through a lot of discomfort. 

A few months ago we had to get the water shut off for the building in order to do some much needed plumbing work at the salon. My challenge was that I had to talk to all the other businesses in our building in order to figure out the best time to have the plumber come to do the deed. I was super scared to do it, but I had to so I did. I was afraid that our neighbors would be super annoyed, but I actually found the opposite: Everyone was incredibly friendly, surprised and grateful that I was taking the time to talk with them to find a good time for us all.

I pushed through a lot of discomfort that day, and as a result, I now have the beginnings of friendly relationships with all of the other tenants in our building. 

I’m really proud of that.

So right now, I’m enjoying a moment I’ve only experienced before in movies- where the hardworking business maven enjoys her success at the neighboring business where she knows everyone, and they all have a good relationship.

It’s giving me a lovely sense of community in a metropolitan area, and joy amidst chaos. This is a rare (like seriously rare) moment where I feel like I have all my shit together.

And I am glowing - even after a long day and even longer week. 

Some of this is because I *actually* did my monthly planning for this month, so all of the things I have on my plate are laid out in my calendar in a logical way. With even a *little* breathing room. And my to-do list items are no longer swarming my brain, threatening to fly away and be forgotten, and that small act of self care is allowing my mind to rest and enjoy this beautiful treat and a moment of stillness before heading home and tackling the last of my admin tasks for the day.

This is a moment of joy and peace, and it couldn’t be more perfect. A slice of paradise, and an oasis in the din.

A moment that is truly rejuvenative. 

My business coach (Cera Byer of Intuitive Edge Coaching - She’s amazing, go seek her out if you need business coaching - you’ll never regret it), made a comment during a workshop she was teaching once that Rest and Rejuvination are NOT the same thing. I hadn’t ever thought of it that way, but it makes sense! That’s why it’s R *AND* R, vs just “R”. Because we need BOTH in order to effectively refill our spoon drawer. 

So this new moon, I leave you with an invitation to ponder and explore in your journal, or in your copious amounts of free time staring at the wall like a cat:

What, to you, is the difference between rest and rejuvenation? What activities (or inactivities) would you associate with each?

What can you do to include more R&R in your life? Do you have a good balance between the two? Could you use more of one? What elements of self care or organization can you provide in your daily life that will help you rest/rejuvenate more fully?

Enjoy, and see you next New Moon!




The Two of Swords


The Hermit Vs. Anxiety